This section will be deprecated. For the latest information, please see the Polkadot Developer Documentation
When you first start a node, it has to find a way to find other nodes in the network. For that purpose, you need "bootnodes". After the first bootnode is found, it can use that node’s connections to continue expanding and play its role in the network, like participating as a validator.
Accessing the Bootnode¶
The consensus is that bootnodes have to be accessible in three ways:
- p2p: the p2p port, which can be set by
--listen-addr /ip4/<port>
. This port is not automatically set on a non-validator node (for example, an archive RPC node). - p2p/ws: the WebSocket version, which can be set by
--listen-addr /ip4/<port>/ws
. - p2p/wss: the secure websocket version. An SSL-secured connection to the p2p/ws port must be achieved by a proxy since the node cannot include certificates. It is needed for light clients. See here for info about setting this up.
Network Key¶
Starting a node creates its node key in the chains/<chain>/network/secret_ed25519
file. You can
also create a node-key by polkadot key generate-node-key
and use that node-key in the startup
command line.
It is essential you backup the node key, especially if it gets included in the polkadot binary because it gets hardcoded in the binary and needs to be recompiled to change.
Running the Bootnode¶
Say we are running a polkadot node with
polkadot --chain polkadot --name dot-bootnode --listen-addr /ip4/ --listen-addr /ip4/
then we would have the p2p on port 30310 and p2p/ws on port 30311. For the p2p/wss port, we need to
set up a proxy, a DNS name, and a corresponding certificate. These concepts and example setups are
described here. The following
example is for the popular nginx server and enables p2p/wss on port 30312 by proxying the p2p/ws
port 30311:
server {
listen 30312 ssl http2 default_server;
root /var/www/html;
ssl_certificate "<your_cert";
ssl_certificate_key "<your_key>";
location / {
proxy_buffers 16 4k;
proxy_buffer_size 2k;
proxy_pass http://localhost:30311;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
proxy_set_header Host $host;
Testing Bootnode Connection¶
If we have the above node running with DNS name
, proxied with a valid
certificate and node-id 12D3KooWAb5MyC1UJiEQJk4Hg4B2Vi3AJdqSUhTGYUqSnEqCFMFg
then the following
commands should give you a: "syncing 1 peers".
You can add -lsub-libp2p=trace
on the end to get libp2p trace logging for debugging purposes.
polkadot --chain polkadot --base-path /tmp/node --name "Bootnode testnode" --reserved-only --reserved-nodes "/dns/" --no-hardware-benchmarks
polkadot --chain polkadot --base-path /tmp/node --name "Bootnode testnode" --reserved-only --reserved-nodes "/dns/" --no-hardware-benchmarks
polkadot --chain polkadot --base-path /tmp/node --name "Bootnode testnode" --reserved-only --reserved-nodes "/dns/" --no-hardware-benchmarks