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How to Join Council

This section will be deprecated. For the latest information, please see the Polkadot Developer Documentation

The content on this page is archived. For up-to-date information about governance, see the Polkadot OpenGov page.

The council is an elected body of on-chain accounts that are intended to represent the passive stakeholders of Polkadot and/or Kusama. The council has two major tasks in governance: proposing referenda and vetoing dangerous or malicious referenda. For more information on the council, see the governance page. This guide will walk you through entering your candidacy to the council.

Submit Candidacy

Submitting your candidacy for the council requires a small bond of DOT / KSM. Unless your candidacy wins, the bond will be forfeited. You can receive your bond back if you manually renounce your candidacy before losing. Runners-up are selected after every round and are reserved members in case one of the winners gets forcefully removed.


Currently the bond for submitting a council candidacy on Polkadot is 100 DOT, and 0.0033 KSM on Kusama.

It is a good idea to announce your council intention before submitting your candidacy so that your supporters will know when they can start to vote for you. You can also vote for yourself in case no one else does.

Go to Polkadot Apps Dashboard and navigate to the "Council" tab. Click the button on the right that says "Submit Candidacy."

submit candidacy button

After making the transaction, you will see your account appear underneath the row "Candidates."

candidates list

It is a good idea now to lead by example and give yourself a vote.

Voting on Candidates

Next to the button to submit candidacy is another button titled "Vote." You will click this button to make a vote for yourself (optional).

voting button on UI

The council uses Phragmén approval voting, which is also used in the validator elections. This means that you can choose up to 16 distinct candidates to vote for and your stake will equalize between them. For this guide, choose to approve your own candidacy by clicking on the switch next to your account and changing it to say "Aye."

voting pop up on UI


If you are one of the lucky ones to win a council election you will see your account move underneath the row "Members".

council members list

Now you are able to participate on the council by making motions or voting proposals. To join in on the active discussions, join the Polkadot Direction channel.