Network Maintainers
This section will be deprecated. For the latest information, please see the Polkadot Developer Documentation
Welcome to the network maintainers section of the Polkadot Wiki. Here you will find information and guides to set up a node and run the network.
- Polkadot Parameters - Reference for Polkadot parameters.
- Nodes and Dapps - Guides for nodes and dapps.
- Collator Guides - Information for collators.
- Validator Guides - Information for validators.
- Archive - Archived maintenance guides.
Polkadot's Canary Network Kusama
For more information about being a Kusama maintainer, see the pages below:
- Nomination Guide - Walkthrough on how to nominate on the Kusama canary network.
- Validation Guide (Kusama) - Walkthrough on how to validate on the Kusama canary network.