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Unique Dashboards


Unique is a leading parachain on Polkadot dedicated to enabling NFTs and their collections. It provides a robust framework for users and developers to engage with non-fungible tokens across different applications.

Here you will find a variety of dashboards that help visualize data from the Unique parachain:

Please also visit our dashboards for Unique on Dune Analytics.

Key Tables

Data from the Unique parachain is organized into several key tables:

  • unique.balances
  • unique.blocks
  • unique.calls
  • unique.extrinsics
  • unique.transfers

Start building your own queries using granular data on Dune here.

Useful Queries

Some useful queries for Unique are provided:

Title Query Description
Unique ss58 and pubkey Maping Table query_3632470 Find all Unique ss58 and pubkey mappings
Unique NFT Info query_3630265 Find all Unique NFT information
Unique Collection Info query_3628043 Find all Unique collection information
Unique NFT Transaction Info query_3631785 Find all Unique NFT transaction information

Getting Started with Queries

To get started with querying data from Unique, you are welcome to use the mentioned materialized queries. You can use the following DuneSQL queries as examples:

sql title="Unique Top Collections by Total Sales Amount" showLineNumbers SELECT collection_id_with_dashboard_url, token_prefix, SUM(for_price) AS total_amount FROM dune.substrate.result_unique_nft_transaction_info GROUP BY collection_id_with_dashboard_url, token_prefix ORDER BY SUM(for_price) DESC;

Query result:

DuneSQL Reference

For more information on DuneSQL, please refer to the DuneSQL Cheatsheet and DuneSQL Official Documentation.