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Stellaswap Dashboards


Stellaswap is the leading DEX on Moonbeam, no matter whether you measure by volume, number of pools, or accounts using it. It also offers liquid staking for DOT.

Users can swap from any asset to any other asset using an automated router that will calculate the most efficient path.

Liquidity providers can earn fees from the trades in the pools they provide liquidity to.

Here you will find a variety of dashboards that help visualize data from StellaSwap:

  • stellaswap on Polkadot: This dashboard provides a comprehensive view of DEX volumes and liquidity on StellaSwap.

Key Tables

Data from the stellaswap DEX is sourced directly from substrate moonbeam tables:

Useful Queries

Some useful queries for Hydration are made available as materialized views.

Subject Area Query Materialized View Description
Stellaswap V3 Trades query_3661633 dune.substrate.result_stellaswap_v_3_trades Trades in V3 pools, similar to dex.trades format.
Stellaswap V3 Trades (alt) query_3646057 dune.substrate.result_stellaswap_v3_trades Trades in V3 pools, suitable for volume and price analysis
V3 Trades Enriched query_3656957 dune.substrate.result_stellaswap_trades_enriched Trades in V3 pools, with USD equivalent prices.
Stellaswap V3 Pools query_3639606 dune.substrate.dataset_stella_pools (dataset) Master data for the pools

The three queries presented are all very similar, but they are optimized for different use cases.

Each trade will provide a token0 and token1, which are the two tokens traded. The order depends on the order in the pool definition (see V3 pools query). Example: for the pool WGLMR-xcDOT, WGLMR is token0 and xcDOT is token1. Whether someone was buying or selling GLMR can be seen by the sign of amount0. Positive means "selling", negative means "buying". Only one of the first of the three queries above sorts the tokens into the right order.

The other queries keep token0 and token1 in the order in which they appear in the raw data, which also makes it easier to aggregate for the price and volume.

Pool master data is currently provided as a dataset directly, rather than parsed from events or from a snapshot. This means the latest pools added may not be included in the dataset. (Remains a work in progress.)

Dune users are encouraged to study the source code of the queries, including parts of a query that may have been commented out for future use.

Uncommenting these parts may accelerate your effort of adopting a query to a slightly different use case.

Getting Started with Queries

To get started with querying data from Stellaswap, you are welcome to use the mentioned materialized queries. You can also use the following DuneSQL queries as examples:

```sql title="Stellaswap Volume Last Day" showLineNumbers WITH maxts AS ( SELECT MAX(DATE_TRUNC('day', block_time)) AS maxts FROM dune.substrate.result_stellaswap_trades_enriched T ) SELECT DATE_TRUNC('day', block_time) AS date, T.token_pair, project_contract_address, current_timestamp - MAX(block_time) AS last_seen_ago, ROUND(SUM(ABS(amount_usd))) AS volume_usd, T.subquery FROM dune.substrate.result_stellaswap_trades_enriched T WHERE DATE_TRUNC('day', block_time) = (SELECT maxts FROM maxts) GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 6 ORDER BY 1 DESC, 5 DESC;


The query calculates the last available day's volume for each token pair. It also shows which pair was used to calculate the USD value of the tokens involved. For example, if you trade a pair which contains USDC or USDT, the dollar value of the trade is just the amount of USDC or USDT traded. For other pairs, the USD value is calculated using another currency as an intermediate, i.e. DOT or GLMR. Any pair which does not at least have one of these currencies will not have a USD value calculated.

Query result:

DuneSQL Reference

For more information on DuneSQL, please refer to the DuneSQL Cheatsheet and DuneSQL Official Documentation.