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Phala Dashboards


Phala is a parachain on Polkadot that provides a privacy-preserving computation and data protection framework. It allows for the processing of sensitive data with guaranteed privacy.

Here you will find a variety of dashboards that help visualize data from the Phala parachain:

  • Phala Dashboard: A comprehensive view of activities within the Phala ecosystem.

Please also visit our dashboards for Phala on Dune Analytics.

Key Tables

Data from the Phala parachain is organized into several key tables:

  • phala.balances
  • phala.blocks
  • phala.calls
  • phala.extrinsics
  • phala.transfers

Start building your own queries using granular data on Dune here.

Additional curated dataset from Phala team can be found at dune.phala_network.*

Useful Queries

Some useful queries for Phala are provided:

Title Query Description
Phala Computation query_3619434 This query provides an overview of the Phala network's computation, including circulation, bridge, reward, issuance, supply, value, worker count, rewards, APR, budget, and delegator count.
Phala Recent AI Agent Contracts query_3743294 This query lists the recent AI agent contracts deployed on the Phala network, including deployer, instantiation time, code hash, stake, and staker.

Getting Started with Queries

To get started with querying data from Unique, you are welcome to use the mentioned materialized queries. You can use the following DuneSQL queries as examples:

sql title="Phala Computation" showLineNumbers SELECT chain, circulation, sygma_bridge, reward, COALESCE(total_issuance, total_supply) AS total_issuance, total_value, idle_worker_count, daily_rewards, average_apr, budget_per_share, delegator_count FROM dune.phala_network.dataset_phala_computation;

Query result:

Visualizations using the query result:

DuneSQL Reference

For more information on DuneSQL, please refer to the DuneSQL Cheatsheet and DuneSQL Official Documentation.