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Invarch Dashboards


The InvArch Network is a Multichain Account abstraction hub, optimized for decentralized operations & financial management spanning across every blockchain.

InvArch provides individuals, organizations & DAOs with a single account that can be used to manage all of their assets & execute transactions across any network.

Here you will find a variety of dashboards that help visualize data from the Acala parachain:

  • InvArch: This dashboard provides a comprehensive view of InvArch chain-state and information about DAO Staking.

Key Tables

Data from the InvArch parachain is organized into several key tables:

  • invarch.balances
  • invarch.blocks
  • invarch.calls
  • invarch.extrinsics
  • invarch.transfers

Start building your own queries using granular data on Dune here.

Useful Queries

Some useful queries for InvArch are provided:

Title Query Description
InvArch DAO Staking All events query_3753984 This query provides a comprehensive overview of all events related to DAO staking on the InvArch network, including details about the staking amount, staker address, and event type.
InvArch DAO staking info by DAO and Era query_3755288 Access detailed information on DAO staking activities within the InvArch network, categorized by DAO and era for historical comparison.

Getting Started with Queries

To get started with querying data from Unique, you are welcome to use the mentioned materialized queries. You can use the following DuneSQL queries as examples:

sql title="InvArch Cumulative Activated Acounts by Day" showLineNumbers WITH accounts_first_active AS ( SELECT address_ss58, MIN(date_trunc('day', ts)) AS first_active_date FROM invarch.balances WHERE (free + reserved + misc_frozen + frozen) > 0 GROUP BY address_ss58 ) SELECT first_active_date AS date, SUM(COUNT(DISTINCT address_ss58)) OVER ( ORDER BY DATE(first_active_date) ) AS cumulative_accounts FROM accounts_first_active GROUP BY first_active_date ORDER BY first_active_date DESC;

Query result:

DuneSQL Reference

For more information on DuneSQL, please refer to the DuneSQL Cheatsheet and DuneSQL Official Documentation.