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Interlay Dashboards¶


Interlay is a decentralized finance hub on Polkadot. It started as a native Bitcoin bridge, allowing users to mint and redeem iBTC on the Polkadot network. iBTC is a trustless, decentralized, and interoperable token redeemable one-for-one with native Bitcoin.

In the summer of 2023, Interlay also launched a DEX and a lending protocol. While the DEX has seen liquidity disappear after rewards were stopped, the lending protocol has seen continued usage.

Vaults play a crucial role for iBTC, as they guarantee the value of the minted iBTC through vault collateral. Currently, vault collateral can be DOT, VDOT, USDC, USDT, and lend tokens (qDOT, qUSDT, etc.) from the lending protocol. When using lend tokens, vault operators are double dipping: earning interest on the currency lent, and earning vault rewards.

New currencies can be added to the Interlay protocol via governance proposals. The governance token, INTR, is used to vote on these proposals. Only staked INTR can vote, and the staked INTR is locked for a period of time.

Here you will find a variety of dashboards that help visualize data from the Interlay parachain:

  • interlay on Polkadot: This dashboard provides a comprehensive view of iBTC minting, redeeming, lending, borrowing, and vault rewards.

Key Tables¶

Data from the interlay parachain is organized into several key tables:

  • interlay.balances
  • interlay.blocks
  • interlay.calls
  • interlay.extrinsics
  • interlay.transfers

The interlay.traces table is created by a snapshot script utilizing Interlay API calls to fetch accurate values which would be difficult to calculate from the blockchain events alone.

Start building your own queries using granular data on Dune here.

Useful Queries¶

Some useful queries for Interlay are made available as materialized views.

Subject Area Query Materialized View Description
Vault Collateral query_3437565 dune.substrate.result_interlay_vault_creation Provides vaults and their collateral.
Interlay Oracle query_3445402 dune.substrate.result_interlay_oracle Provides hourly oracle values for all currencies present on the parachain.

Dune users are encouraged to study the source code of the queries, including parts of a query that may have been commented out for future use.

Uncommenting these parts may accelerate your effort of adopting a query to a slightly different use case.

Getting Started with Queries¶

To get started with querying data from Interlay, you are welcome to use the mentioned materialized queries. You can also use the following DuneSQL queries as examples:

```sql title="Interlay Loan Market Data" showLineNumbers WITH ASSETS AS ( SELECT symbol, decimals FROM (VALUES ('DOT', 10), ('INTR', 10), ('IBTC', 8) ) AS t(symbol, decimals) ), LOANDATA AS ( SELECT E.block_time, E.method, event_id, COALESCE(CAST(JSON_VALUE(data, 'strict $[0].token') AS VARCHAR), FA.symbol) AS token, -- json_array_length(data) as len, -- COALESCE(ASSETS.decimals, FA.decimals) as token_decimals, CAST(JSON_VALUE(data, 'strict $[1]') AS UINT256) / POW(10, COALESCE(ASSETS.decimals, FA.decimals)) AS total_borrows, CAST(JSON_VALUE(data, 'strict $[2]') AS UINT256) / POW(10, COALESCE(ASSETS.decimals, FA.decimals)) AS total_reserves, CAST(JSON_VALUE(data, 'strict $[3]') AS UINT256) / 1e18 AS borrow_index, CAST(JSON_VALUE(data, 'strict $[4]') AS UINT256) / 1e6 AS utilization, CAST(JSON_VALUE(data, 'strict $[5]') AS UINT256) / 1e18 AS borrow_rate, CAST(JSON_VALUE(data, 'strict $[6]') AS UINT256) / 1e18 AS supply_rate, CAST(JSON_VALUE(data, 'strict $[7]') AS UINT256) / 1e18 AS exchange_rate FROM E LEFT JOIN query_3564454 FA ON FA.foreign_asset = CAST(JSON_VALUE(data, 'strict $[0].foreignAsset') AS INT) LEFT JOIN ASSETS ON ASSETS.symbol = JSON_VALUE(data, 'strict $[0].token') WHERE E.section = 'loans' AND E.method = 'InterestAccrued' ) SELECT date_trunc('hour', block_time) AS hour_period, token, AVG(total_borrows) AS total_borrows, AVG(total_reserves) AS total_reserves, AVG(borrow_index) AS borrow_index, AVG(utilization) AS utilization, AVG(borrow_rate) AS borrow_rate, AVG(supply_rate) AS supply_rate, AVG(exchange_rate) AS exchange_rate FROM LOANDATA GROUP BY 1, 2 ORDER BY 1 DESC;


The query is fairly typical for a parachain query on Dune. It parses events from the table, and calculates the average values for each hour.

It also joins the table with another query, query_3564454, which provides the foreign assets used in the loan market.

Finally, it uses the ASSETS CTE to provide the decimals for each native token in the loan market. The native assets are not available on chain, so they are hardcoded in the ASSETS CTE. However, they are unlikely to change over time, so this is safe.

The query uses Dune's native UINT256 type extensively, which allows to deal with very large numbers and still maintain precision.

Query result:

DuneSQL Reference

For more information on DuneSQL, please refer to the DuneSQL Cheatsheet and DuneSQL Official Documentation.