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Frequency Dashboards


Frequency is a parachain on Polkadot focusing on decentralized communication solutions. It allows the creation and management of decentralized networks for various applications, enhancing data privacy and security.

Here you will find a variety of dashboards that help visualize data from the Frequency parachain:

Please also visit our dashboards for Frequency on Dune Analytics.

Key Tables

Data from the Frequency parachain is organized into several key tables:

  • frequency.balances
  • frequency.blocks
  • frequency.calls
  • frequency.extrinsics
  • frequency.transfers

Start building your own queries using granular data on Dune here.

Useful Queries

Some useful queries for Frequency are provided:

Frequency Schema List (Off-chain Payload) Frequency Schema List Frequency MSA Count

Title Query Description
Frequency Schema List (Off-chain Payload) query_3781175 Provides a list of schemas used in the off-chain payload of Frequency.
Frequency Schema List query_3760992 Lists the schemas used in Frequency.
Frequency MSA Count query_3820268 Displays the count of Message Source Accounts (MSAs) extrinsics in Frequency.

Getting Started with Queries

To get started with querying data from Unique, you are welcome to use the mentioned materialized queries. You can use the following DuneSQL queries as examples:

sql title="Frequency Extrinsics by Day" showLineNumbers SELECT DATE_TRUNC('day', block_time) AS day, section || '_' || method AS section_method, COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM frequency.extrinsics WHERE section || '_' || method IN ( SELECT section_method FROM unnest(SPLIT('{{ section_method }}', ',')) AS c(section_method) ) GROUP BY DATE_TRUNC('day', block_time), section || '_' || method;

Query result:

DuneSQL Reference

For more information on DuneSQL, please refer to the DuneSQL Cheatsheet and DuneSQL Official Documentation.