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Bifrost Dashboards¶


Bifrost is a decentralized finance hub and liquid staking platform on the Polkadot network and other chains. Users obtain a liquid staking token, vToken, by staking their native tokens. The vToken can then be used in DeFi applications, such as lending, borrowing, and trading.

On Polkadot, users can stake DOT, ASTR, FIL, GLMR, Manta at the moment.

They can also trade their vTokens in a DEX (stableswap) operating on the Bifrost parachain.

Here you will find a variety of dashboards that help visualize data from the Bifrost parachain:

  • bifrost on Polkadot: This dashboard provides a comprehensive view of staking, value locked, and trading on Bifrost parachain.

Key Tables¶

Data from the bifrost parachain is organized into several key tables:

  • bifrost.balances
  • bifrost.blocks
  • bifrost.calls
  • bifrost.extrinsics
  • bifrost.transfers

The bifrost.traces table is created by a snapshot script utilizing Bifrost API calls to fetch accurate values which would be difficult to calculate from the blockchain events alone.

Start building your own queries using granular data on Dune here.

Useful Queries¶

Some useful queries for Bifrost are provided:

Subject Area Query Description
Liquid Staking query 3571958 Provides amount of vTokens and therefore tokens staked (1=1) Used HydraDX oracle for USD values.
Bifrost Stableswap query 3532234 Provides price and volume for stableswap pairs, e.g. DOT \<-> VDOT

Dune users are encouraged to study the source code of the queries, including parts of a query that may have been commented out for future use.

Uncommenting these parts may accelerate your effort of adopting a query to a slightly different use case.

Getting Started with Queries¶

To get started with querying data from Bifrost, you are welcome to use the mentioned queries. You can also use the following DuneSQL queries as examples:

```sql title="Bifrost Loan Market Data" showLineNumbers WITH A AS ( SELECT block_time, event_id, section, method, JSON_ARRAY_LENGTH(data) AS array_length, JSON_VALUE(data, 'strict $[0]') AS account, -- JSON_QUERY(data, 'strict $[1]') AS value_1, -- JSON_VALUE(data, 'strict $[2]') AS some_amount, JSON_QUERY(data, 'strict $[3]') AS token_in, JSON_QUERY(data, 'strict $[4]') AS token_out, CAST(JSON_VALUE(data, 'strict $[5]') AS UINT256) AS amount_in, CAST(JSON_VALUE(data, 'strict $[9]') AS UINT256) AS amount_out -- JSON_QUERY(data, 'strict $[7]') AS value_7, -- JSON_QUERY(data, 'strict $[8]') AS value_8, -- JSON_QUERY(data, 'strict $[9]') AS value_9 FROM WHERE section = 'stableAsset' AND method IN ('TokenSwapped') AND block_time > TIMESTAMP '2024-05-01' ) SELECT date_trunc('hour', block_time) AS "day", SUM(amount_in) / 1e10 AS dot_volume_swapped, 1.000 * SUM(amount_in) / SUM(amount_out) AS avg_price, (1.000 * SUM(amount_in) / SUM(amount_out)) < 1 AS price_low -- very low prices FROM A WHERE token_in = '{"token2":0}' AND token_out = '{"vToken2":0}' AND amount_out > 0 AND block_time > TIMESTAMP '2024-05-01' GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1 DESC;


The query is fairly typical for a parachain query on Dune. It parses events from the table, and calculates the aggregate values for each hour.

The query uses Dune's native UINT256 type, which allows to deal with very large numbers and still maintain precision.

Query result:

DuneSQL Reference

For more information on DuneSQL, please refer to the DuneSQL Cheatsheet and DuneSQL Official Documentation.