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DuneSQL Cheatsheet

It is important to note that when querying on Dune Analytics, DuneSQL is employed. Although most functions and syntax are similar to standard SQL, there are still some differences compared to other versions of SQL. Below is a comparison table of common features between DuneSQL and Google BigQuery SQL.

DuneSQL Reference

For more information on DuneSQL, please refer to the DuneSQL documentation.

Problem Type BigQuery DuneSQL(V2) Description
JSON Reading Method JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(call_args, "$.remark") JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(JSON_PARSE(call_args), '$.remark') In DuneSQL, JSON_PARSE is needed to split the JSON if it is initially not in JSON format but is transformed into a JSON string.
JSON array to SQL array JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY(JSON_EXTRACT(pv, '$.others')) cast(json_extract(pv, '$.others') as array<json>) BigQuery uses a function for this conversion, while DuneSQL utilizes casting and supports the JSON data type.
HEX to UTF8 SAFE_CONVERT_BYTES_TO_STRING(FROM_HEX(SUBSTR(hex_encode, 3))) FROM_UTF8(from_hex(SUBSTR(hex_encode, 3))) In DuneSQL, the SAFE_CONVERT_BYTES_TO_STRING is not required.
Time Series TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(block_time, DAY) >= TIMESTAMP("2023-12-01") block_time >= date('2023-12-01') Time conversion in DuneSQL is simpler, involving direct usage of variable operator date(value).
Data Type Conversion (FLOAT64 to DOUBLE) CAST(JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(nominationpools_rewardpools, '$.lastRecordedRewardCounter') AS FLOAT64) CAST(JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(nominationpools_rewardpools, '$.lastRecordedRewardCounter') BigQuery refers to the data format as FLOAT64, while in DuneSQL, it is termed DOUBLE.
Handling Null Values IFNULL(prev_member_bonded, 0) COALESCE(prev_member_bonded, 0) In DuneSQL, BigQuery's IFNULL is equivalent to COALESCE.
Calculating Local Time and Subtracting Days TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(ts, DAY) >= TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY)) ts >= date(current_date - interval '30' day) In BigQuery, operations on dates require functions, but DuneSQL allows direct use of + and -.
Using Hyperlinks in Tables SELECT concat(concat(concat("<a href='", address_ss58), "'>"), if(address_name is null, concat(address_ss58, '</a>'), concat(address_name, '</a>'))) CONCAT('<a target="_new" href="', address_ss58, '">', address_ss58 ,'</a>') AS address_ss58 DuneSQL enables string concatenation using CONCAT, making it straightforward compared to the multiple concat functions required in BigQuery.