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Bridge Hub

The primary functionality of Polkadot relay chain is to secure the parachains and facilitate secure communication between them. All other functionalities like asset transfers, governance, identities and especially bridging, which can be resource intensive can benefit from operating seaparately on system parachains. That's why, the Bridge Hub system parachain is operating on Polkadot since 2023. The Bridge Hub has all the required bridge pallets in its runtime, which enable trustless bridging with other blockchain networks like Kusama, Ethereum etc. The Bridge Hub uses the native token of the relay chain, DOT.

Trustless Bridges on Bridge Hub

A two-way trustless bridge between chains A and B can be viewed as two one-way bridges (A → B and B → A). Hence, the design of a two-way bridge can be explained in terms of a one-way bridge with a source and a target chain. Any bridge operating on the Bridge Hub will have on-chain (pallets) and offchain (relayers) components.

On-chain Bridge Components

On-chain bridge components are modules (pallets or smart contracts) that are deployed on the chain's runtime. Modules that track the finality of the source chain are required to be deployed on the target chain, while the modules that deal with cross-chain messaging need to be deployed on both, source and target chains.

Operating a bridge between chains that finalize through GRANDPA consensus is straight-forward. A GRANDPA light client of the source chain built into the target chain's runtime provides a "source of truth" about the source chain's finality. For instance, Polkadot Bridge Hub runs an on-chain light client of Kusama which uses GRANDPA consensus and infers the finality of all the transactions on Kusama and its parachains.

Operating a bridge between chains with different consensus models can require a sophisticated design. For instance, Polkadot Bridge Hub needs to run an on-chain light client of Ethereum to infer the finality of transactions on Ethereum chain. On the other hand, running a GRANDPA light client through smart contracts on Ethereum is possible but can be very expensive. Hence, BEEFY (Bridge Efficiency Enabling Finality Yielder) consensus layer has been added to Polkadot which enables a cost effective solution for operating a trustless bridge with Ethereum. Trustless bridges to chains like Solana, Cosmos, Avalanche, NEAR etc. would require custom pallets to be deployed on Polkadot Bridge Hub.

There are also on-chain components that are responsible for queuing messages at the source chain and for receiving the messages proofs at the target chain. The messages are sent through a particular lane, where they are guaranteed to be received in the same order they are sent. On Polkadot Bridge Hub, the messages are in XCM format and an XCM executor is used to dispatch them.

Offchain Bridge Components

Offchain bridge components are separate processes, called relayers. Relayers are connected both to the source chain and target chain nodes. For instance, the task of relayer between chains that run on GRANDPA consensus is to submit source chain GRANDPA justifications and their corresponding headers to the Bridge GRANDPA Finality Pallet deployed at the target chain. For that, the relayer subscribes to the source chain GRANDPA justifications stream and submits every new justification it sees to the target chain GRANDPA light client.

Messages between chains are relayed through the relayers, which involve messages delivery relay and delivery confirmation relay. For more information on relayers and the Bridge Hub design, read through the high level documentation on bridges on the Polkadot-SDK repository.