Polkadot Opengov - Referendum Voting Analysis
View On Dune: Polkadot Opengov - Referendum Voting Analysisβ
We're using default parameters for all of the following parameterized charts. Visit our dashboard on Dune to use the referendum_id parameter and analyze a specific referendum.
Source table: polkadot.events, polkadot.calls
Authored by @ colorfulnotion
Voting Power Daily Accumulationβ
- Daily cumulative "Aye" and "Nay" voting powers, along with approval and support rates for a specific referendum.
- Approval Rate - (Conviction _ Aye token) / ((Conviction _ Aye token) + (Conviction * Nay token))
- Support Rate - (Aye token + Abstain token) / Total Issuance
- Learn more about Opengov Support & Approval
Aye vs Nayβ
"Aye Power" (Conviction _ Aye Token) vs "Nay Power" (Conviction _ Nay Token)
Aye votes analysisβ
All voters who voted AYE for the referendum, sorted by "Voting Power" (Conviction * Token), including split Aye
Nay votes analysisβ
All voters who voted NAY for the referendum, sorted by "Voting Power" (Conviction * Token), including Split NAY
Abstain votes analysisβ
All voters who Abstain themselves for the referendum, sorted by "Voting Power" (0.1X * Token)
First time voter analysisβ
A Referendum is considered hot or controversital if it has high turnout or high First-time Voting Rate
- First-time voters who voted βAyeβ or βNayβ in a specific referendum.
- First-time Voting Rate: first-time voters / total voters
Voter conviction adjustmentβ
Analyze the change in voter's voting conviction for a specific referendum which offers insights into how voter convictions shift across referenda.
Calculates each voter's previous average conviction, compares it to their current conviction in the referendum, and categorizes the change as Increase πΌ, Maintain π, or Decrease π½. Finally, it provides counts and percentages for each category
Awakened Votersβ
Enumerate the "Aye" and "Nay" voters who have not voted in the last 90 days